
Sex worker Rachel has a passion for liberty – Centralian Advocate

By December 1, 2011 July 1st, 2024 No Comments

Sex worker Rachel has a passion for liberty

— Centralian Advocate

Posted on December 1, 2011

SEX worker Rachel Wotton is passionate about connection with many clients who have disabilities.

Her work is the subject of the 2011 Walkley Award-nominated documentary, Scarlet Road: A Sex Worker’s Journey.

Filmed over a three year period, the program follows Rachel in her relationship with John, diagnosed with multiple sclerosis 26 years ago, and Mark, a client with cerebral palsy, and reveals the therapeutic aspects of human touch and sexual intimacy.

This unique documentary gives voice to two men generously sharing moments of sexual self-discovery.

Scarlet Road: A Sex Worker’s Journey shows Rachel in her daily life and follows her on a journey to the UK, Denmark and Sweden, where she meets with sex workers, people with disabilities and their families, as well as making quite an impression as a speaker at the World Congress for Sexual Health.

In addition to undertaking a Masters in Sexual Health at the University of Sydney, Rachel is an active campaigner for the rights of sex workers.

She co-founded the charitable organisation Touching Base to connect people with disabilities and sex workers focusing on access, discrimination, human rights, legal issues and the social stigma that these two marginalised communities can face.

Rachel’s dream is to raise enough money to set up Touching Base in every state and territory in Australia and then the world.

It’s on SBS1 at 10.05pm Friday 2nd December.